Buying Beverly Hills, an American reality television series, made its debut on Netflix on November 4, 2022. Centered around Mauricio Umansky and his teams at The Agency RE, a global boutique real estate brokerage nestled in Beverly Hills, California, the show offers viewers an inside look into the world of high-stakes property transactions. With a focus on luxury real estate and the glamorous lifestyle of Beverly Hills, the series promises to deliver captivating drama and jaw-dropping deals.
Netflix unveiled the series as “the new real estate occu-soap” in a press release on June 23, 2022, generating excitement among eager viewers. Anticipation continued to build as the official trailer for the debut season dropped on October 7, 2022, offering tantalizing glimpses into the lavish properties and dynamic personalities featured in the show. Behind the scenes, production companies including ITV America, Just Entertainment, Wheelhouse Entertainment, and Spoke Studios collaborated to bring the series to life, ensuring a seamless blend of entertainment and real estate intrigue.
Following the success of its inaugural season, “Buying Beverly Hills” is poised to make a triumphant return. With the second season scheduled to premiere on March 22, 2024, exclusively on Netflix.
The Main cast to the show are:
- Mauricio Umansky
- Farrah Brittany
- Alexia Umansky
- Santiago Arana
- Ben Belack
- Joey Ben-Zvi
- Jon Grauman
- Brandon Graves
- Allie Lutz Rosenberger
- Melissa Platt