“Heartbreak High Season 2” Full Synopsis


Heartbreak High, an Australian comedy drama television series crafted for Netflix by Hannah Carroll Chapman, serves as a contemporary iteration of the 1994 series initially aired on Network Ten. Transitioning from its predecessor, the show delves into the lives of the students and faculty of Hartley High, navigating through the intricate web of racial tensions, high school romances, and the myriad complexities of teenage angst.

Premier Date of Heartbreak High

Premiering on 14 September 2022, the series swiftly captured the attention of audiences and critics alike. Just a month following its debut, it garnered a renewal for a second season, scheduled to grace screens on 11 April 2024. The inaugural season received accolades, earning positive critical reviews, notably securing an International Emmy Award. Additionally, it amassed an impressive array of nominations at the AACTA Awards, boasting 15 nods, including the esteemed category of Best Drama Series, of which it clinched six victories.

Heartbreak High Season 2
Heartbreak High Season 2

The initial five seasons were situated at the fictional Hartley High, filmed at Maroubra Bay High School in Maroubra, New South Wales, located in the Eastern Suburbs. Seasons six and seven shifted to the fictional Hartley Heights and were filmed in Warriewood in the Northern Beaches.

The show is a spin-off of the 1993 Australian feature film The Heartbreak Kid, which also featured Alex Dimitriades, Nico Lathouris, Doris Younane, Scott Major and Katherine Halliday as early versions of their Heartbreak High characters. Heartbreak High producers are Carly Heaton; Sarah Freeman; Jeroen Koopman; Tarik Traidia; Brian Abel; Michael Jenkins; Megan Palinkas

Main Cast members are: