“The Gentlemen” Season 2: Full Synopsis


The Gentlemen, an upcoming television series crafted by Guy Ritchie, serves as a spin-off of his 2019 film bearing the same title. Drawing parallels with “Breaking Bad,” the series delves into the narrative of an English aristocrat who unexpectedly inherits his family’s estate and farm, finding it asset-rich but cash-poor. However, his newfound ownership unveils a startling revelation – a clandestine weed farm clandestinely operated by gangsters.

Premier Date of The Gentlemen

The 8 episodes season 2 Tv show premiers on the 7th of March 2024 on Netflix. In October 2020, Guy Ritchie embarked on the development of a television series, inspired by his film “The Gentlemen,” in which he would both write and direct. Moonage Pictures and Miramax Television partnered with Ritchie for the project. Additionally, Ritchie served as an executive producer, collaborating with the producers of the original film.

Matthew Read joined Ritchie in co-writing the pilot script and also took on an executive producing role at Moonage, along with Will Gould. Subsequently, Netflix greenlit the series.

Some other cast members are: